Poster presentations
There will be two poster sessions (see programme) with 75 posters in total. Posters have also been thematically allocated to parallel sessions as can be seen below. To see which oral presentations have been allocated to these sessions, click here.
1. Co-designing crop diversification: which actors to include beyond the farm?
2. Co-designing crop diversification at the field level: what do actors want?
3. Niche management and diversification projects: how to turn theory into action and vice versa?
4. Connecting actors to foster crop diversification: how to turn theory into action and vice versa?
5. Enhancing agrosystem resilience and performances by crop diversification
7. Soil microbial functional diversity enhanced by cropping system diversification
8. Cropping system diversification to support biocontrol
9. Impacts of introducing service crops and legumes in cropping systems
10. New inter and strip-cropping: crop and ecological performances
12. Breeding for intraspecific diversity
13. Breeding for interspecific mixtures
14. Designing and optimising interspecific mixtures
15. Barriers, lock ins, enablers and practical experiences of crop diversification
16. Valuing crop diversification products
17. Tools to design, manage and monitor diversified systems from the field to the landscape levels
Session 1: Co-designing crop diversification: which actors to include beyond the farm?
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 1:
- Crop diversification for organic agriculture in Scandinavia; a multi-scale feasibility study for soybean and lupine production in Sweden
Presenter: Alexander Menegat, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden - Facilitating insects in agricultural landscapes through integration of renewable resources into cultivation systems - FInAL
Presenter: Jens Dauber, Thünen Institute of Biodiversity, Germany
Session 2: Co-designing crop diversification at the field level: what do actors want?
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 2:
- Enhancing diversification of cropping systems to minimize agri-environmental problems: Results of stakeholders' consultation in Italy
Presenter: Claudia Di Bene, CREA, Italy - Interplay: a serious game to design and evaluate the introduction of cereal-legume intercrops in cropping systems
Presenter: Guillaume Martin, INRA, France - Benefits and risks of companion plants sown with winter rapeseed according to farmers
Presenter: Alice Baux, Agroscope, Switzerland
Session 3: Niche management and diversification projects: how to turn theory into action and vice versa?
The following poster presentation was thematically allocated to session 3:
- Analysis of a sample of strategies for sustainable development in arable crops
Presenter: Anne Schneider, Terres Inovia, France
Session 4: Connecting actors to foster crop diversification: how to turn theory into action and vice versa?
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 4:
- The association Rheinische Ackerbohne e.V. - A contribution to the diversification through the revival of a traditional culture, nearly forgotten crop
Presenter: Ina Stute, FH-SWF, Germany - Lessons from co-innovation process for increasing grain legume production and consumption in Southern Sweden
Presenter: Iman Raj Chongtham, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Session 5: Enhancing agrosystem resilience and performances by crop diversification
The following poster presentation was thematically allocated to session 5:
- Sunflower crop profile in the Republic of Moldova
Presenter: Maria Duca, State University "Dimitrie Cantemir", Moldova
Session 7: Soil microbial functional diversity enhanced by cropping system diversification
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 7:
- Biodynamic management with long rotations and multiple cropping contributes to high soil organic matter content, soil fertility and biodiversity compared to conventional systems
Presenter: Raúl Zornoza, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain - Effects of pea intercropping on soils and physiological status of different wheat cultivars
Presenter: Tünde Takács, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary - Choosing a service plant or cover crop for enhancing soil microbial activity
Presenter: Xavier Bousselin, Agroscope, Switzerland - The potential role of 'elite rhizobia' to improve legume-inclusion in agri-food systems: a model approach using peas (Pisum sativum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Presenter: Pete Iannetta, The James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom
Session 8: Cropping system diversification to support biocontrol
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 8:
- Interactive effects of crop diversity and management on pollinators in a summer wheat-bean intercropping experiment
Presenter: Jana Brandmeier, University of Münster, Germany - Crop diversification in supporting beneficial arthropods - key traits and role of floral and extrafloral nectar
Presenter: Minna Kosonen, Luke, Finland
Session 9: Impacts of introducing service crops and legumes in cropping systems
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 9:
- Diversification of crop rotation by cover crops enhances ecosystem services
Presenter: Liina Talgre, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia - Energy gain from crop rotation depending on included crops
Presenter: Madara Darguza, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia - Mobilisation of functional properties of diverse legumes species at various scales in the CA-SYS Long Term Experimental Platform on Agroecology: expected services and prospects
Presenter: Stephane Cordeau, INRA, France - Impact of agro-ecological service crops and their termination modes on Soil Mineral Nitrogen dynamic at spring crop implantation
Presenter: Didier Stilmant, CRA-W, Belgium - Can we expect reduced nitrous oxide emissions from soil in diversified cropping systems?
Presenter: Roman Hüppi, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Session 10: New inter and strip-cropping: crop and ecological performances
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 10:
- ReMIX: an opportunity to improve yield and stability of organic grain legumes for human consumption, providing ecosystem services
Presenter: Cristina Virto, INTIA, Spain - Spatial and temporal variability of interactions in pea-oats mixed cropping on field-scale: Yield stability and nutrient use
Presenter: Julian Zachmann, University of Hohenheim, Germany - To mix or not to mix? Working on crop diversification in the silage maize dominated landscape in the Netherlands
Presenter: Wijnand Sukkel, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands - Intercropping of sunflower with legumes in relation to biological and productive properties of sunflower
Presenter: Brankica Babec, IFVCNS, Serbia - Objective depended successes for pea-wheat strip intercropping
Presenter: Wijnand Sukkel, Wageningen University & Research (WUR), The Netherlands
Session 12: Breeding for intraspecific diversity
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 12:
- Agronomic performance of 200 winter wheat lines selected from a Composite Cross Population (CCP) in a low-input system
Presenter: Jelena Baćanović-Šišić, University of Kassel, Germany - Evaluating and selecting root traits in wheat in a hydroponic system for adaptation to organic farming
Presenter: Johannes Timaeus, University of Kassel, Germany - Evaluation of the impact of wheat/rye translocation on the stability of wheat doubled haploids in different environments
Presenter: Zygmunt Kaczmarek, IPG PAS, Poland - Yield potential of heterogeneous wheat populations under differing fertilizer regimes in an organic system
Presenter: Odette Weedon, University of Kassel, Germany - Heterogeneous wheat populations as a viable alternative to commercial varieties under organic management
Presenter: Odette Weedon, University of Kassel, Germany - White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) with increased fat and reduced alkaloids content
Presenter: Wojciech Rybiński, IPG PAS, Poland - Nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency in the recombinant [accacia×normal leaf] lines of a mapping population of field pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Presenter: Wojciech Rybiński, IPG PAS, Poland - Opportunities of diversification of the cereal centric organic farm system with soybean production in Hungary
Presenter: Éva Hunyadi Borbélyné, ÖMKi, Hungary - Biotechnological approach to creation of new pea cultivars with target features
Presenter: Tadeusz Adamski, IPG PAS, Poland - Association analysis of phenotypic traits in selected and propagated lines derived from different winter wheat composite cross populations
Presenter: Dominic Dennenmoser, University of Kassel, Germany - Forage potential of small grain cereals and mixtures in organic agriculture
Presenter: Mária Megyeri, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary - Performance of bulk populations of wheat compared with commercial cultivars
Presenter: Jörg Peter Baresel, Technical University of Munich, Germany - Stability of bulk populations of wheat compared with commercial cultivars
Presenter: Jörg Peter Baresel, Technical University of Munich, Germany - Intrinsic diversity enhances productivity and disease tolerance in bulk populations of wheat
Presenter: Jörg Peter Baresel, Technical University of Munich, Germany - Yield and quality of recently generated wheat populations compared with their parents and mixtures
Presenter: Jörg Peter Baresel, Technical University of Munich, Germany - A simple and effective method for estimating competitive ability of wheat varieties
Presenter: Jörg Peter Baresel, Technical University of Munich, Germany - Differences in breeding progress in winter wheat between conventional and organic farming in Germany
Presenter: Jörg Peter Baresel, Technical University of Munich, Germany - Network for the dynamic management of winter barley genetic resources
Presenter: Lorenz Bülow, JKI, Germany - ECOBREED - Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding
Presenter: Vladimir Meglič, KIS, Slovenia - Nutritional characteristics of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) genetic resources
Presenter: Lovro Sinkovič, KIS, Slovenia - Harnessing crop diversity of common bean to preserve its nutritional quality under a changing climate
Presenter: Marta Vasconcelos, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal - Greenhouse gas emissions of diverse wheat populations vs. varieties
Presenter: Robert Oliver Simon, Technical University of Munich, Germany - On-farm winter wheat variety trials in organic farming
Presenter: Mihály Földi, ÖMKi, Hungary
Session 13: Breeding for interspecific mixtures
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 13:
- Experimental screening of pea and wheat genotypes for mixture-performance in a baking-wheat cropping system
Presenter: Johannes Timaeus, University of Kassel, Germany - Performance of durum and soft wheat in a mixed cropping system with a faba bean population in Germany
Presenter: Odette Weedon, University of Kassel, Germany - Examining wheat-pea mixtures to define specific selection traits for targeted winter wheat breeding
Presenter: Péter Mikó, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary - Screening of perennial and annual self-reseeding legume cover crops for their potential application as permanent living mulch in organic vegetable system
Presenter: Mariateresa Lazzaro, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy
Session 14: Designing and optimising interspecific mixtures
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 14:
- Using multifunctional subsidiary crops to reduce tillage in organic farming
Presenter: Elsa Lagerquist, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden - Evaluation of the Land Equivalent Ratio index in barley-pea and bread wheat-faba bean intercropping
Presenter: Stefano Tavoletti, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy - Management of white clover living mulch to allow the development of winter cereals
Presenter: Didier Stilmant, CRA-W, Belgium - Pulses intercropped with cereals to secure the pulse production in organic and conventional farming in western France
Presenter: Aline Vandewalle, Chambre d’agriculture des Pays de la Loire, France - Organic vegetable cropping system diversification: effect of strip cropping on productivity and soil N availability in Mediterranean conditions
Presenter: Elena Testani, CREA, Italy - Crop diversification with aromatic herbs below
Presenter: Felix Dittrich, Trier University, Germany - Using the complementarity with cereals to overcome weaknesses of sole-cropped winter white lupin
Presenter: Nicolas Carton, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden - Lentil-oat mixtures: stronger together by complementing each other?
Presenter: Katrin Rehak, Agroscope, Switzerland
Session 15: Barriers, lock ins, enablers and practical experiences of crop diversification
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 15:
- Soil organic carbon sequestration and mitigation potential in a rice based crop rotation systems in Bangladesh - a modelling approach
Presenter: Khadiza Begum, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom - Factors constraining and facilitating crop diversification: results and lessons from a sample of Italian experiences
Presenter: Luca Colombo, FIRAB, Italy - Growing cover crops in maize production: the effects of triticale and winter pea
Presenter: Brankica Babec, IFVCNS, Serbia - Crop diversification in Pays de la Loire: collect and spread experiences of farmers and local actors to better support farmers
Presenter: Emmanuel Mérot, Chambre d’agriculture des Pays de la Loire, France - Getting out of the commodity trap: Enabling diversity through alternative food networks
Presenter: Katie Bliss, ORC, United Kingdom - Chances and barriers of crop and value chain diversification from a perspective of an organic case study in Poland
Presenter: Paweł Radzikowski, IUNG, Poland - Legume land races in short food supply chains - From small-scale farms to urban gastronomy - A case study of TRUE Project
Presenter: Attila Králl, Agri Kulti Nonprofit, Hungary
Session 16: Valuing crop diversification products
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 16:
- How are legume crops valued in Europe? Insights from the analysis of several value chains case studies in the H2020 LegValue project
Presenter: Tiana Smadja, Terres Univia, France - Seed quality as a basis for successful soybean production in the South-eastern Europe
Presenter: Svetlana Balesevic-Tubic, IFVCNS, Serbia - Evidencing the utility of food- and feed-chain diversification: a life cycle assessment of pulse grain (pea, Pisum sativum L.) processing by distillation for neutral spirit and high-protein coproduct
Presenter: Pete Iannetta, The James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom
Session 17: Tools to design, manage and monitor diversified systems from the field to the landscape levels
The following poster presentations were thematically allocated to session 17:
- Life Cycle Assessment of farming practices that improve citrus orchards sustainability in semiarid areas
Presenter: Bernardo Martin-Gorriz, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain - Towards the prediction of levels of infestation of Acyrthosyphon pisum in pea-wheat mixtures
Presenter: David Camilo Corrales, INRA, France - An inventory of existing tools to promote crop diversification: fifty tools and methods already available for farmers and advisors
Presenter: Aline Vandewalle, Chambre d’agriculture des Pays de la Loire, France - Assessing the influence of diversified cropping systems on land productivity and the soil-plant system at different scales. A case study from Southern Italy
- Presenter: Roberta Farina, CREA, Italy